Monday, April 13, 2009

The Secret Life of Bees

What does the "secret life of bees" have to do with racism?

This story has to do racism because they will not let Lilly can not go out with Zack because Lilly is white and Zack is black and they do not allow them to be together. So that is want i think there is a lot of racism in this book because in the book it was in the times that the racism was big. So Like i said Lilly can't be with Zack.

Can you relate to the story and to her experiences with racism?

yes and no a the same time because white people don't like Mexican and the say that Mexicans are nasty and the have us just for the work we do. Mexicans do clean. white peoples house like the Africa Americans that is how Mexicans relate. No i don't think so sorry

Friday, January 16, 2009

Music Therapy

First they show them sin language and it help my baby tell me when he has to go to the bathroom by sins language.Or when he want me to read the book again they help them how to shear and lessons to the person that is talking.They learn songs and when they have to sit and lesson and see and learn the song they do some of the kids.So the therapy it is a good thing that the kids have a little of therapy. It help me a lot with my kid he knows when he has to sit and eat just by sin language.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


To most aquarists as "Angelfish". All Pterophyllum species originate from the Amazon River basin in tropical South America. There body shape allows them to hide among roots and plants, often on a vertical surface.Angelfish are ambush predators and prey on small fish. Angelfish are egg layers.The female lays up to 1000 eggs on leaves. If the parents don't eat the eggs, the larvae and fry are carefully guarded.

There are no distinguishable differences except in breeding season, then the papilla on the male is pointed and on the female is blunt. The males sometimes make a loud grating sound with their jaws when mating.They breathe regally with there grills.