Monday, April 13, 2009

The Secret Life of Bees

What does the "secret life of bees" have to do with racism?

This story has to do racism because they will not let Lilly can not go out with Zack because Lilly is white and Zack is black and they do not allow them to be together. So that is want i think there is a lot of racism in this book because in the book it was in the times that the racism was big. So Like i said Lilly can't be with Zack.

Can you relate to the story and to her experiences with racism?

yes and no a the same time because white people don't like Mexican and the say that Mexicans are nasty and the have us just for the work we do. Mexicans do clean. white peoples house like the Africa Americans that is how Mexicans relate. No i don't think so sorry

Friday, January 16, 2009

Music Therapy

First they show them sin language and it help my baby tell me when he has to go to the bathroom by sins language.Or when he want me to read the book again they help them how to shear and lessons to the person that is talking.They learn songs and when they have to sit and lesson and see and learn the song they do some of the kids.So the therapy it is a good thing that the kids have a little of therapy. It help me a lot with my kid he knows when he has to sit and eat just by sin language.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


To most aquarists as "Angelfish". All Pterophyllum species originate from the Amazon River basin in tropical South America. There body shape allows them to hide among roots and plants, often on a vertical surface.Angelfish are ambush predators and prey on small fish. Angelfish are egg layers.The female lays up to 1000 eggs on leaves. If the parents don't eat the eggs, the larvae and fry are carefully guarded.

There are no distinguishable differences except in breeding season, then the papilla on the male is pointed and on the female is blunt. The males sometimes make a loud grating sound with their jaws when mating.They breathe regally with there grills.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Mybridge is for strength.It is not that pretty but it's a nice bridge.I think we will do good because it is a strong bridge and it will hold 105lb.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Kiara Castro

Kiara Castro was born in San Diego, California, on March 4, 1991. She has a beautiful son that is 12 years old. She finished high school at Lindsay Community Day School. She earned her high school diploma on July 20, 2009. After high school, she went to San Diego City College and studied to become a social worker. She finished college and graduated on May 15, 2014. Now she has a wonderful job that she really enjoys. She is a social worker for teen moms. She helps them get jobs. She also helps them with their problems. Problems like, where they can stay if they don’t have a place to stay. These girls have the same problems that Kiara had when she was a teenage mother. She remembers attending Lindsay Community Day School and having the best teacher ever, Dawn Miller. Kiara Castro is a wonderful woman that likes to help all of the girls that have babies or are pregnant. She really wants them to stay in school and finish high school.

Kiara Castro has one son that is in 8th grade. He is currently in middle school. He is great in the following subjects, math and English. He likes to play soccer and he likes to go to his mom’s old school. He likes to hear stories about what she was like and how she acted in school. Kiara has
five brothers & one sister. Vanessa, she is the oldest, is working helping old people. She teaches them how to buy things and how to clean. Her other brother, Nain, is starting to walk and is married to nice women, Mari. They have twins and are having fun with them. Edgar got his papers to cross the border and visits his mom, often. It has been ten years since Alonso passed away. He would’ve have been 27 years old. He would’ve have been a cook and one of the best in this world. Jonathan, he is 22 years old. He has a son that is ten year old and his name is Jonathan Jr. Castro. Luis is the baby of the family. He is 18 years old and he is almost finishing high school.


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dia De Las Muertos

Why is it celebrated?
This special holiday celebrates the lives of people who have died. It is believed that the souls of the dead come back to visit their loved ones . Contrary to popular belief, Day of the Dead is not a sad or depressing time, but a time of happiness and celebration!

When does it occur?
-On November 1st and 2nd in Mexico they celebrates the Day of the Dead,and there are two very special places where this ritual is specially impressive: Mixquic, a small town in Mexico City, and in Janitzio, a charming little island in the state of Michoacan.

Where are the festivities held?
Festive is taken in there homes are at the graves the put decorations on the graves or in there house with there pix of the one you are celebrating it to.

What do the altars look like?
the altar is generally set on a table, and then it is wrapped with a tablecloth, white sheet or with perforated tissue paper. Sugarcane is bound to the foot of the table and run high over overhead into the shape of triumphal. On the morning of October 31st the offerings are placed on the altars;these offering consist of exquisite dishes that the relatives will come to savour the aromas.

What are Comparsas?
people go to the cemetery or hang out in town square, drinking hot chocolate or coffee or the start to dance or eat bread or like my family like to eat there favorite food.

What do people do on the Day of the Dead?
some people go to party's r go out to drink or some people tern on a candle and set down the sofa drink hot chocolate and eating bread and think about them.

A lot of people do the persons that dead there favorite food the liked and the play there favorite music and they take flowers to there grave.


1.)Juan doesn't know what to be for Halloween ,but the girls think he should be a bumble bee.

2.)Connie said ,"Juan, you should be Cantinflas,
it'll be funny!"

1.)What city,county.state,country and Continent do you live?
San Diego,San Diego, California, United States of America, North America

1.)tie:shoelace::buckle: belt
2.)wallpapering:wall::tiling: roof/floor
3.)dialing:telephone::mail :letter
Bones Points:
+15+15+20+150=200 mins